US seeks to turn this region into burning fire –Andranik Tevanyan

June 29 2024, 10:55


Nikol Pashinyan is not against the corridor, Andranik Tevanyan, the leader of the Mother Armenia movement, told Alpha News.

“The way this corridor is presented by Turkey, Azerbaijan and the US actually means to cut off the Syunik region from Armenia and ultimately lead Armenia to destruction. The logic of the corridor is that Armenia should simply provide the territory to our enemies.

Nikol Pashinyan is not against the corridor. He wants it to be controlled by the Western—or actually by the Turkish—world. Iran and Russia are against it because Western-Turkish control over the corridor means their departure from this region,” he noted.

Tevanyan said that the US is in a hurry due to the November election. According to him, the Democrats are trying to get benefits.

“The US is in a hurry because the election is expected in November, and the Democrats need to have a small victory in terms of geopolitics, so to speak. They cannot show it in Ukraine and Moldova, they are also trying to turn Georgia into a bargaining chip just like Ukraine in the fight against Russia.

They still do not succeed in these places, and, in fact, they reached an agreement with the Armenian government. They agreed to become a bargaining chip so that the Democrats in the US could show that they had some success before the November election. That so-called success should be anti-Russian and anti-Iranian in nature,” Andranik Tevanyan said.

According to Tevanyan, the purpose of all this is to either involve Russia in the war or discredit it.

“Talks about a peace treaty are completely groundless and irrelevant because Azerbaijan does not have such a problem. The US wants to get some benefits. The big benefits are leaving the CSTO, the closing of the Russian military base in Gyumri, and military clashes on the territory of Armenia, which will give Russia the opportunity to either get involved in a regional war or be discredited for not helping Armenia.

The goal is to turn this region into a big gunpowder, a burning fire. The US does not even hide this, they try to wrap it up under the name of Armenia’s European integration, but it has absolutely nothing to do with reality. There is promotion of Turkish interests here,” Andranik Tevanyan concluded.