Khayal Muazzin: Iran and Russia have similar approaches to cooperation in the Caucasus

June 18 2024, 11:20


Speaking with Alpha News, Iranian journalist Khayal Muazzin commented on the news that the Foreign Ministries of Iran and Russia opposed the interference of non-regional players in the affairs of the South Caucasus.

According to him, Iran and Russia have similar approaches to cooperation in the Caucasus.

“I believe that cooperation between Iran and Russia in regional policy, especially on the Caucasus issue, reflects their mutual interests and similar approaches. Both states are interested in maintaining stability and security in the region, which corresponds to their strategic and economic goals. The main aspect of their interaction includes supporting the stability and territorial integrity of the Transcaucasian states to prevent destabilization and external interference,” Muazzin said.

“Opposing Western influence is aimed at reducing the presence of the United States and NATO in Transcaucasia, a threat to the national interests of the Transcaucasian states.
Thus, Iran and Russia are acting in a coordinated manner, striving to achieve stability and create conditions for long-term cooperation,” Muazzin concluded.