Armenia’s statehood is under threat. Waldemar Gerdt

July 25 2024, 13:00


Deputy of the 19th Bundestag from the Alternative for Germany party Waldemar Gerdt commented on the news on Alpha News that the European Union will begin negotiations with Armenia on the introduction of a visa regime.

Speaking about what the EU will demand from Armenia in exchange for the liberalization of the visa regime, the expert said that the EU will demand the holding of gay parades in Armenia and the recognition of all these principles of democracy, in which they have already drowned.

“The more open the borders are, the more people from Armenia will go to the European Union, the more dependent Armenia will be. This brings Armenia even closer to the European Union and distances it from Russia. The last time they (Armenia) flirted with the Anglo-Saxons, they lost Ararat and then lost Karabakh. Armenia’s statehood is currently under threat:

Armenia has many unfriendly countries, of which only Russia defended it. No one, except a Russian soldier, has ever died for Armenia. Therefore, if you now move the defender and the elder brother (Russia) aside, then Armenia will be whatever you want. The country itself is poor, the people are small, so using Armenia as another hotbed of escalation on the outskirts of Russia is their plan. One can assume “that it will be so,” Gerdt said: